I Am the Man


I Am the Man

from $350.00

I Am the Man

July 11-15
Recommended for Ages 10-14
City Lit Theatre

Shakespeare was a master gender bender.  From a company of all men performing women’s roles, to female characters dressing up as boys, all the way to The Viola Project, Shakespeare helps us critically examine gender with humor and humanity.  Join The Viola Project as you pull out all the pants roles from Viola to Portia and engage in theatrical dialogue about the stakes for men and women; in Shakespeare’s England and in our Chicago!

High School returning students may apply for a leadership role. Contact violainfo@violaproject.org for more information

Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health's performance cadre FYI returns after leading a workshop on healthy relationships and consent last summer.
This year, FYI will be leading a workshop that analyzes the impact of gender roles on relationships and allows youth to practice using tools to speak up for themselves and others.  

Field Trip:
Field Trip to nearby Rivendell Theatre Ensemble to discuss costume design with ensemble member Janice Pytel. 

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