To put it simply: 
Shakespeare’s characters use language to get what they want.  

Viola (our namesake) does not sit meekly in the background hoping that the audience will cheer her on by observing the darting of her eyes, her smile, or what she might be wearing. Instead, Shakespeare’s characters lay their needs, their desires, their dreams, their prejudices out with specificity, determination, and promise of action. Shakespeare's characters are determined to get what they want, to be understood, to be listened to. They advocate for themselves, whether it's for a kingdom or a kiss.

There is no better teacher for how to use language to make your voice heard than William Shakespeare.

The Viola Project provides a space for girls and gender nonconforming to come together and explore classic texts while engaging in a vibrant discussion of contemporary issues facing girls and women. We believe that history and literature are springboards for understanding who we are today. While Shakespeare’s text is the common thread of our programs, we have an interdisciplinary approach to learning that goes beyond the written word. Our students practice self defense, create visual art, learn musical instruments, study stage craft, interview professional women, attend live performances, and perform works of their own.